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Jeanette has been on a spiritual journey since birth. As an innately clairvoyant child, she was unaware of how to explain what she could “see” in other people to adults. Jeanette’s Shaman lineage dates back to her maternal great-grandmother, from the indigenous Xumash tribe, who initially practiced shamanic healing in Los Angeles, CA. Throughout her life, Jeanette exhibited many psychic abilities and had many paranormal experiences due to her sensitivity as an open vessel.

Being a sensitive empath brought her to develop a close relationship to the Divine. She was extremely sensitive to all animals as she learned they were sentient beings, so she became a strict vegetarian at a strikingly early age. As time went on, she became a devout yogi and she was guided to become a Hatha Yoga teacher. She became a Hatha Yoga and Pranayama instructor in 2008 from the world-renowned White Lotus Foundation in Santa Barbara, CA. She studied under Ganga White, Tracey Rich, Kent Bond, and Sven Holcomb. She became an Usui Reiki Master Teacher shortly after as she found that her hands were immensely powerful while practicing self-healing.

Now in present time(lines), Jeanette is recognized as a master healer specializing in removing pain and limitations on the physical, emotional, and cellular levels which opens the door of all possibilities to flow. She assists with opening obstacles in the mind, body (organs and cells) and thought processes (past, present and future/ancestral patterning). She has successfully helped countless clients who suffer from depression, insomnia, chronic pain, eating disorders, high blood pressure, emotional trauma, grief and many other emotional/physical issues. Jeanette is intuitive, passionate, intentional, and creates a wonderfully safe, serene space in which to perform her magic. She utilizes a wide range of healing techniques from Yogic Science to Quantum Healing Modalities.

Jeanette was born and raised in Los Angeles, CA. She has given numerous spiritual talks, healing sessions, yoga sessions and meditation classes for adults and children in Los Angeles, Sedona, Guatemala and Tulum since 2010. Jeanette also offers private healing for those who are ready for the next step of their spiritual and personal growth.